Crain Hyundai of Little Rock

Jan 2, 2024
New Year's Resolutions for Drivers at Crain Hyundai of Little Rock

As the end of the year gets near, the talk of New Year’s resolutions seems to pop up everywhere. Where do you see yourself this time next year? What did you not accomplish this year that you will do next year? These are the types of questions you can ask yourself when coming up with your own resolution. 

While there are plenty of resolutions to choose from, and you can have more than one, we thought we’d make it easy for you. How about choosing some car or driving-related resolutions? Crain Hyundai of Little Rock wants you to be the best driver possible, and we think we can help you achieve that.

New Year, New Ride—New Hyundai Available Now at Crain Hyundai of Little Rock

Most of us do our best to put our phones away while driving. Unfortunately, that text that comes through or a funny TikTok pops up, and we’re tempted to pick up the phone. This leads to unnecessary accidents. As drivers, we should all be alert and present for the safety of not only ourselves but also our passengers and all the other drivers on the road. For that reason, we think paying more attention while driving is a great resolution.

If you need to call someone, use your hands-free Bluetooth calling through your Hyundai Tucson with your smartphone. You can also read text messages through your infotainment screen. Place your phone in the same spot each time, like the backseat or in your console, so you won’t be tempted to grab it. This will help you to keep your resolution of no distractions while driving.

You’re running late for work, and you still have to drop off the kids at school. But you’ve just gotten meeting reminders and emails popping up on your phone. You think once you’re in your Hyundai Kona, you can start checking those. Stop lights are not time for business. Before you know it, the light has changed, and someone is honking at you. Pay attention while driving in order to keep up with your resolution.

Your day doesn’t have to be filled with constant stimulation. Make your driving time into your free time. It might be the only time you get alone all day. If you aren’t alone ever when driving, then turn it into a time to talk to each other. Pull the passengers away from their screen time and enjoy a conversation in your Santa Cruz. You might learn a thing or two about each other instead of what some random social media star is having for dinner.

Make the Most of Your Hyundai with Car Care Express

Contact us or come visit us at Crain Hyundai of Little Rock at 11701 Colonel Glenn Rd. Whether you have questions or want to test drive a new Hyundai model, we’ve got you covered. And don’t forget we also have a great selection of used cars, trucks, SUVs, and vans available. Looking forward to seeing you in 2024!

Drive Easy with Hyundai Roadside Assistance from Crain Hyundai of Little Rock